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Eleon School

Future IMO Legislation - released on March 2018



How to use this document

Part 1 – сполучені штати прийняли future IMO and legislation ILO

1A – сполучені штати прийняли requirements in a transitional period for full application

This part includes вимога that have already entered into force but are still in a transition period for their full effect due to their application formulation. For example,some parts of a requirement may apply on different dates depending on the type and size of ship.

1B – сполучені штати прийняли вимога entering into force in future

This part includes вимога that have been сполучені штати прийняли and have an entry into force date which has been established by the IMO or ILO, but not yet reached.

Part 2 – IMO and ILO вимога currently under development


This part covers legislation that is currently under discussion and has not been сполучені штати прийняли; therefore, no fixed entry into force date has been agreed. It also covers legislationthat has been сполучені штати прийняли but has no certain entry into force date because the conditions have not yet been met. This section is subject to change as discussions progress.

Tables – quick references for application


The tables in the following pages provide a quick reference guide to which items in this document are relevant for different ships. This is for general information only andit is advised to study the application for each entry in this document as it can be complex. Each item is assigned an LR reference number, which is shown in the relevantentry as follows:The numbers in the index tables are a reference number for each item, given in the left-hand column of the full entry on the corresponding page.–


Table I – New ships – сполучені штати прийняли amendments coming into effect–


Table II – New ships – Likely amendments under discussion and development–


Table III – Existing ships – сполучені штати прийняли amendments coming into effect–


Table IV – Existing ships – Likely amendments under discussion and developmen

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р. Одеса(Odessa) повідомте № квитанції на їв. адреса eleonschool@yandex.ua  і тест буде відправлений автоматично.  За додатковою інформацією звертайтеся за телефоном +38097 854-54-13 тел. +38095 624-58-91 

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